I love traveling but I also love my country and promoting Human Connections in my region, two passions that led me to found the Italian Human Connections Association.

In the last 10 years, I have been having a beautiful chance to enjoy my area with many people coming from all around the world. I do love meeting people and creating connections, and this blog is proof of that. As I wrote in one of my articles (The Heritage of a Travel), travel-loving should prioritize human connections and build in advance meeting occasions with local people in order to discover deeper the country they are visiting. Well, this is the main purpose of this blog.

Villa Lante, Bagnaia (Viterbo)
with Glasser Family

Though, a travel plan that includes this kind of experience is very hard to draw up beforehand, particularly if we don’t have any referent in that place we are going. The Internet is overwhelmed by websites that give you information about your favorite destination, showing the top 10 sites to not be missed, the best tours to book online, accommodations, restaurants, and so on. But just a few of these websites will give you people’s contacts and the chance to join local activities, such as popular hiking, local festivals, events, etc. In addition to the possibility of entering as a privileged guest in private castles and historic palaces.

with Anna Rita Properzi
(Tour Guide)

My area is rich in associations that organize many excursions in the wonderful surrounding nature, besides tours to the marvelous castles and historical palaces. But, if you don’t know the Italian language and don’t follow the right pages on Facebook or local advertising, you will never be able to participate.

My purpose is just to connect you to my territory and to the right people to enjoy “My Italy”. There are so many things you should know to appreciate my area and I want to work on creating content that can give you this knowledge and the desire to come here.  First of all, I should clarify that when I say My Italy I refer to central Italy, a bit North from Rome, and close to the border with Tuscany. Well, this area of North Lazio is known as Tuscia and it includes the medieval town of Viterbo (60,000 inhabitants) and a wide constellation of small villages and towns, each one with its own history, traditions, and dialects.

This area is also the homeland of the Great Etruscan Civilization, dating back to the 8th Century BC. I am proud to share with you that the Etruscans left us an ancient heritage of inestimable value, made of towns, necropolis (with painted tombs), ancient finds and artifacts. I am pretty sure you have already had the chance to see these ancient finds and artifacts, because, even if you have never been here you found them in the most important museums of the world, such as the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

Lake Bolsena (Viterbo)

With no intention to write on this page a guide book of my area, I just want to add that this territory is rich in mountains and hills, lakes, hot springs, and Mediterranean sea beaches. Not to mention the famous Via Francigena, one of medieval Europe’s most significant historic routes, centered on religious belief, culture and beauty.

(Ghost Village)

My purpose is to bring you to this part of Italy through the storytelling of the experiences I am living right here with other people. I will let you discover my land thanks to the participation at public and private feasts, local events, hiking groups, castles tours, food and wine itineraries, and much more. 

I and the Italian Human Connections would be happy to help you to design the most difficult part of your trip, which is the chance to get to know new people, attend events with locals and live the power of Human Connections. If you like this opportunity, follow this blog and contact me.

Stay tuned, many contents coming soon!

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